[ 130–141 ] |
Special rules for strengthening punishment for a crime committed in complicity under the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation: legal and social conditionality
Kulikov E. A.
Article (file: pdf, size: 389 KB, downloads: 210)
[ 142–150 ] |
Сriminological characteristics of the personality of a minor criminal who commits crimes against public safety and public order
Evstratova Y. A., Samusevitch D. V.
Article (file: pdf, size: 329 KB, downloads: 510)
[ 151–163 ] |
Problems of qualification and improvement of the concept of criminal law counteraction to crimes in the field of bankruptcy
Kolosova A. I.
Article (file: pdf, size: 377 KB, downloads: 266)
[ 164–171 ] |
Theoretical aspects of the concept of «competition»
Pakharukov A.A., Faizieva K.A.
Article (file: pdf, size: 332 KB, downloads: 254)
[ 172–180 ] |
Constitutional and legal bases of administrative proceedings in foreign countries
Tikhy R. S.
Article (file: pdf, size: 333 KB, downloads: 226)
[ 181–190 ] |
The essence and mechanisms of interaction between the subjects of mentoring in the context of the educational process of the college
Gomboyeva I. S.
Article (file: pdf, size: 319 KB, downloads: 165)
[ 191–200 ] |
Formation of professional readiness of a specialist on adaptive training complexes
Popov A. I., Obuhov A. D.
Article (file: pdf, size: 940 KB, downloads: 174)
[ 201–210 ] |
Organization of distance learning in rural schools in conditions of epidemiological risks
Roshko E. P.
Article (file: pdf, size: 610 KB, downloads: 202)
[ 211–217 ] |
Socio-pedagogical support for single-parent families in a preschool educational organization (on the example of AN NGO «Almazik» d/s 52 «Krepysh» Mirny, Sakha Republic (Yakutia))
Cherepanova E. A., Kopalkina E. G.
Article (file: pdf, size: 393 KB, downloads: 201)
[ 218–227 ] |
Social and managerial aspects of palliative care for children in the Kaliningrad region
Krivosheev V.V., Bazenko A.E.
Article (file: pdf, size: 335 KB, downloads: 210)
[ 228–237 ] |
Research of satisfaction of elderly people with the quality of social services in OGAUSO «Integrated Center for Social Services of the Population»
Nguyen T. H., Bakhmatova T. G.
Article (file: pdf, size: 418 KB, downloads: 430)
[ 238–249 ] |
Motivation of Volunteers of Paralympic Games
Sukharkova M. P.
Article (file: pdf, size: 403 KB, downloads: 243)