Volume 6 (2021), No. 2

Volume 6, Number 2
(file: pdf, size: 14.4 MB, downloads: 812)

[ 158–163 ]

European Union law and participation of states in it
Bondareva E.V.

Article (file: pdf, size: 517 KB, downloads: 305)

[ 164–169 ]

On the question of the need to use artificial intelligence technologies in the activities of the National Guard troops of the Russian Federation: the legal aspect
Evstratova Y.A.

Article (file: pdf, size: 526 KB, downloads: 296)

[ 170–178 ]

On the question of the principle of humanism in the Eurasian interpretation of the spiritual foundations of legal culture N.N. Alekseev
Kulikov E.A.

Article (file: pdf, size: 555 KB, downloads: 310)

[ 179–189 ]

Cross-border insolvency: concept and methods of legal regulation
Pakharukov A.A.

Article (file: pdf, size: 582 KB, downloads: 414)

[ 190–200 ]

Focus group discussion as a method of forming students’ communicative competencies
Bolshov V.B.

Article (file: pdf, size: 581 KB, downloads: 415)

[ 201–207 ]

Mentoring as a pedagogical phenomenon: history and modernity
Gomboyeva I.S.

Article (file: pdf, size: 534 KB, downloads: 630)

[ 208–222 ]

Methodology of development of creative and pedagogical
competence of teachers of technical universities

Popov A.I., Rakitina E.A., Molotkova N.V

Article (file: pdf, size: 767 KB, downloads: 274)

[ 223–233 ]

Problems of employment of persons with disabilities at the
present stage of development of Russian society

Kopalkina E.G., Dareev A.E., Iltakova N.V

Article (file: pdf, size: 669 KB, downloads: 397)

[ 234–240 ]

Social adaptation technologies: results of a study of catering
enterprises in pandemic conditions COVID-19

Krivosheev V.V., Varakuta D.A., Yangol A.A.

Article (file: pdf, size: 535 KB, downloads: 351)

[ 241–249 ]

The role of the socio-cultural environment of the university in determining the criteria for the socialization of the younger generation: the experience of empirical research
Sidorova N.V.

Article (file: pdf, size: 796 KB, downloads: 328)

[ 250–260 ]

Internet space as a platform for the manifestation of ethnic communication and identity of the titular ethnic groups of Ugra
Tkachuk N.V

Article (file: pdf, size: 592 KB, downloads: 509)