Volume 6, Number 2, 2021, P. 158–163
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European Union law is a system of legal norms that regulates the process of European integration, the procedure for the creation and functioning of European power institutions. The article is an analysis of the creation of modern mechanisms of interaction between the member states of the European Union, which allows a deep study of the issue of fulfilling certain conditions. It should be borne in mind that the implementation of legal norms must comply with generally accepted principles. When writing this work, the materials of the European Union Law were studied, as the main source of unified European legislation, providing for amendments to the national legislation of the EU member states, an analysis of the Lisbon Treaty on the reform of the European Union was carried out. The main purpose of the article is to highlight a number of problems of the creation of the European Union and possible ways to solve them. Among them — the uniformity of legal norms throughout its territory, observance of human rights, migration policy, etc. The subject of this discussion is the European Union law and the participation of states in this process. They, as subjects of European law, are considered in a single legal space. Membership in the European Union presupposes universal observance of uniform legal norms and rules of conduct, which are adopted by the general parliament. In this work, the author used the methods of comparative analysis, legal regulation. As well as the experience of practitioners in generalizing and merging legal norms of national legislation and common law, strengthening the balance between countries and their interests. Issues related to the observance of human rights are gaining in importance.
international law, European Union, general integration, interaction of states
ElenaV. Bondareva, Senior Lecturer of the Department of Jurisprudence, Irkutsk National Research Technical University, Irkutsk, Russia
For citation:
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