Volume 6, Number 2, 2021, P. 250–260
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In the world of universal digitalization, the Internet with its capabilities is a tool for the realization of selfexpression. In the field of the Internet space, various interactions occur, communities, social groups, etc., act and intertwine, which is the subject of research interest. In the preparation of this material, an analysis of the content and information content of individual groups in the VKontakte network was used. The article analyzes the content of the ethnic groups, communities of the Ob-Ugric and Samoyedic peoples in the popular Russian network, which allows you to get acquainted with the national characteristics, traditional culture of the northern peoples. It turned out that the overall picture of the ethnic Internet on the example of the represented peoples is contained in the following identity – community of origin( nationality), residence (region and small homeland). The identification characteristics necessarily use features-the uniqueness of the people through the language, place of birth and residence. Users and subscribers of the groups identify themselves to the designated ethnic groups in the Internet space, which shows a positive and high degree of ethnic self-identity of the Ob Ugrians and Samoyeds of the Autonomous Okrug. It is noted that the created conditions for universal informatization, increasing digital literacy of the population in the district, will contribute to the prospects of accessible Internet for ethnically small groups living locally and remotely, who, by example, will show a desire to popularize their unique culture through the Internet.
Internet, social networks, indigenous peoples, ethnic groups, communication, identity
Natalia V. Tkachuk, Researcher of Socio-Economic Development and Monitoring, Department of budgetary institution of Khanty-Mansiysk autonomous okrug – Ugra, Ob-Ugric Institute of Applied Research and Development, Khanty-Mansiysk, Russia
For citation:
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