[ 254–260 ] |
Criminological characteristics of the personality of modern neonazists.
issues of countering neonazism as one of the main threats of the XXI century
Evstratova Y. A., Samusevitch D. V.
Article (file: pdf, size: 330 KB, downloads: 323)
[ 261–270 ] |
On the correlation of legal responsibility and legal responsibility: socio-legal aspect
Kulikov E. A.
Article (file: pdf, size: 332 KB, downloads: 208)
[ 271–280 ] |
Course of dealing as a variation of the usual rules
Pakharukov A. A., Epov E. S.
Article (file: pdf, size: 304 KB, downloads: 221)
[ 281–289 ] |
Constitutional foundations of administrative control over the activities of local self-government
bodies in certain foreign countries (using the example of the USA, Germany and France)
Tikhy R. S.
Article (file: pdf, size: 333 KB, downloads: 317)
[ 290–295 ] |
Environmental education as a tool for the formation of sustainable models of environmental
Antonova V. S.
Article (file: pdf, size: 288 KB, downloads: 182)
[ 296–308 ] |
Problems of preparing families for raising a child
Arpentieva M. R., Golovashkina A. V.
Article (file: pdf, size: 366 KB, downloads: 202)
[ 309–315 ] |
Master’s education in Russia: status and possibility to use foreign experience (problem statement)
Burkova I. N., Korshunova N. L.
Article (file: pdf, size: 274 KB, downloads: 201)
[ 316–326 ] |
Deconstruction of values in the era of postmodernism
Denisova A. B.
Article (file: pdf, size: 313 KB, downloads: 179)
[ 327–333 ] |
Criteria for the teacher’s readiness to organizea а student’s creative self-development in a digital environment
Popov A. I.
Article (file: pdf, size: 287 KB, downloads: 162)
[ 334–343 ] |
Development of the concept of anomy: specifics of social pathology in
society of trauma
Krivosheev V. V., Kochergin D. YU.
Article (file: pdf, size: 305 KB, downloads: 325)
[ 344–352 ] |
Modern sociological approaches to the study of the phenomenon of “leisure”
Mironov A. S., Struk E. N.
Article (file: pdf, size: 345 KB, downloads: 823)
[ 353–364 ] |
Evaluation of the performance of support measures for families with children during the Covid-
19 pandemic: territorial features
Natsun L. N.
Article (file: pdf, size: 316 KB, downloads: 220)