Volume 5 (2020), No. 4

Volume 5, Number 4
(file: pdf, size: 15.2 MB, downloads: 415)

[ 432–450 ]

Crime and corpus delicti as social and legal phenomena and concepts from the perspective of dialectic of general, specific and individual in law
Kulikov E.A.

Abstract (file: pdf, size: 349 KB, downloads: 345)

Article (file: pdf, size: 601 KB, downloads: 339)

[ 451–461 ]

Poverty as a sociological, economic, psychological and legal category. Part 1. Prerequisites for scientific understanding of the phenomenon of poverty in modern Russia by lawyers
Mushinskiy M.A.

Abstract (file: pdf, size: 349 KB, downloads: 305)

Article (file: pdf, size: 549 KB, downloads: 383)

[ 462–474 ]

Contracting agricultural products in modern civil circulation: searching for the optimal regulation model
Pakharukov A.A.

Abstract (file: pdf, size: 341 KB, downloads: 260)

Article (file: pdf, size: 613 KB, downloads: 647)

[ 475–482 ]

On some problems of legislative regulation of civil proceedings in cases of compensation for moral harm
Tikhiy R.S., Cheremushkina E.E.

Abstract (file: pdf, size: 385 KB, downloads: 260)

Article (file: pdf, size: 544 KB, downloads: 385)

[ 483–493 ]

Experience of pedagogical support of students in the context of distance learning during the coronavirus pandemic
Iltakova N.V., Pustovarova A.O., Kopalkina E.G.

Abstract (file: pdf, size: 354 KB, downloads: 284)

Article (file: pdf, size: 594 KB, downloads: 440)

[ 494–504 ]

Features of distance learning in the context of the COVID-19 pandemic: a university student’s view
Lysuenko S.A.

Abstract (file: pdf, size: 356 KB, downloads: 271)

Article (file: pdf, size: 907 KB, downloads: 392)

[ 505–518 ]

Development of engineering students’ analytical skills in Olympiad movement on theoretical mechanics
Popov A.I.

Abstract (file: pdf, size: 360 KB, downloads: 267)

Article (file: pdf, size: 876 KB, downloads: 384)

[ 519–532 ]

Features of interethnic relations in Irkutsk region (based on the results of sociological research)
Guzik M.V., Sidorova N.V

Abstract (file: pdf, size: 382 KB, downloads: 271)

Article (file: pdf, size: 873 KB, downloads: 483)

[ 533–540 ]

The image of Cuba in Soviet and American Cold War cinema
Kleshchenko L.L.

Abstract (file: pdf, size: 343 KB, downloads: 317)

Article (file: pdf, size: 526 KB, downloads: 469)

[ 541–548 ]

Individuals’ behavioural practices in terms of the pandemic
Krivosheev V.V.

Abstract (file: pdf, size: 390 KB, downloads: 267)

Article (file: pdf, size: 548 KB, downloads: 406)

[ 549–559 ]

Social justice in the context of COVID-19 pandemic
Struck E.N.

Abstract (file: pdf, size: 371 KB, downloads: 300)

Article (file: pdf, size: 560 KB, downloads: 351)