Volume 4 (2019), No. 2

Volume 4, Number 2
(file: pdf, size: 12.1 MB, downloads: 460)

[ 100–105 ]

Legal analysis of fraudulent bankruptcy signs
Bondareva E.V.

Abstract (file: pdf, size: 104 KB, downloads: 462)

Article (file: pdf, size: 175 KB, downloads: 592)

[ 106–111 ]

The specific regulatory characteristics in marital and family relations in P. R. China
Iltakova N.V.

Abstract (file: pdf, size: 104 KB, downloads: 430)

Article (file: pdf, size: 164 KB, downloads: 974)

[ 112–119 ]

Constitutional rights of the individual and their protection in modern criminal law
Tatarnikov V.G.

Abstract (file: pdf, size: 109 KB, downloads: 411)

Article (file: pdf, size: 196 KB, downloads: 468)

[ 120–127 ]

The use of polygraph in investigation of crimes
Shamurzaev T.T., Arkhipova A.N., Turkova V.N.

Abstract (file: pdf, size: 94 KB, downloads: 378)

Article (file: pdf, size: 219 KB, downloads: 611)

[ 128–134 ]

Pedagogical support of students – activities at the boundaries of an individual’s socialization and self-dependence
Gomboyeva I.S.

Abstract (file: pdf, size: 102 KB, downloads: 414)

Article (file: pdf, size: 191 KB, downloads: 535)

[ 135–139 ]

Paradigms of social and cultural animation in the history of pedagogy
Dmitrieva A.V.

Abstract (file: pdf, size: 100 KB, downloads: 336)

Article (file: pdf, size: 157 KB, downloads: 690)

[ 140–146 ]

Рersonification and definition of the personalized space structure as a condition of an individual’s empowerment
Sinitsyna I.A.

Abstract (file: pdf, size: 104 KB, downloads: 447)

Article (file: pdf, size: 317 KB, downloads: 690)

[ 147–152 ]

Building future medical workers’ legal culture during vocational training
Urvantseva S.O.

Abstract (file: pdf, size: 103 KB, downloads: 340)

Article (file: pdf, size: 189 KB, downloads: 769)

[ 153–161 ]

Theoretical aspects of the study of the mechanism of selective interiorization of senior citizens’ negative gerontostereotypes
Kolpina L.V., Reutovа M.N.

Abstract (file: pdf, size: 111 KB, downloads: 398)

Article (file: pdf, size: 290 KB, downloads: 593)

[ 162–167 ]

Streetracing as a fork of a youth subculture in the city of Irkutsk
Kondria T.I.

Abstract (file: pdf, size: 107 KB, downloads: 388)

Article (file: pdf, size: 164 KB, downloads: 1277)

[ 168–174 ]

Problems of promoting employment and adaptation of young people to the labor market (the case of Irkutsk city)
Kopalkina E.G.

Abstract (file: pdf, size: 108 KB, downloads: 367)

Article (file: pdf, size: 336 KB, downloads: 657)

[ 175–184 ]

Problems of the Unified national examination in social science: estimates of sociologists and practicians
Krivosheev V.V.

Abstract (file: pdf, size: 115 KB, downloads: 376)

Article (file: pdf, size: 311 KB, downloads: 483)

[ 185–193 ]

Reading young people in Khanty-Mansiysk Autonomous Okrug – Ugra
and Russia: the results of sociological research

Khaknazarov S.Kh., Rudakov V.A.

Abstract (file: pdf, size: 113 KB, downloads: 372)

Article (file: pdf, size: 223 KB, downloads: 557)