Volume 8 (2023), No. 1

Volume 8 (2023), No.1
(file: pdf, size: 6.5 MB, downloads: 413)

[ 4–19 ] Abuse of subjective civil right: essence and mechanism of implementation
Vanteeva A.S., Pakharukov A.A.

Article (file: pdf, size: 379 KB, downloads: 193)

[ 20–27 ] On the issue of Terrorist Crimes
Evstratova Yu.A., Novokshonov D.V.

Article (file: pdf, size: 277 KB, downloads: 318)

[ 28–39 ] Norm-setting Activity of the State in the Interpretation of N.N. Alekseev
Kulikov E.A.

Article (file: pdf, size: 298 KB, downloads: 196)

[ 40–46 ] Prospects for the use of artificial intelligence technology in operational-search support for the investigation and prevention of crimes of a terrorist nature
Shaposhnikov A.A., Evstratova Yu.A.

Article (file: pdf, size: 310 KB, downloads: 386)

[ 47–58 ] Implementation of the target model of mentoring in college: a managerial aspect
Gomboyeva I.S.

Article (file: pdf, size: 1.6 MB, downloads: 213)

[ 59–73 ] Violence in schools and the protection of social justice
Kolesnikov A.S.

Article (file: pdf, size: 365 KB, downloads: 196)

[ 74–87 ] The method of synchronous-asynchronous teaching the discipline “information technology in profession” at the university: efficiently through the eyes of students
Ershteyn L.B.

Article (file: pdf, size: 433 KB, downloads: 217)

[ 88–100 ] The mechanism of development of communicative competencies among teachers of engineering disciplines
Popov A.I.

Article (file: pdf, size: 336 KB, downloads: 198)

[ 101–110 ] The attitude of modern youth to a healthy lifestyle and sports (on the example of research in the Irkutsk region)
Avilova V.A., Alsaeva Yu. G., Kopalkina E.G., Gamayunova E.V.

Article (file: pdf, size: 448 KB, downloads: 355)

[ 111–118 ] Communication between executive authorities and the population on social media: a sociological study
Kochergin D. YU., Krivosheev V.V.

Article (file: pdf, size: 296 KB, downloads: 356)

[ 119–128 ] Digital technologies and the quality of life of the elderly in modern conditions
Sargaeva L.A., Bakhurnova V.S., Kopalkina E.G.

Article (file: pdf, size: 351 KB, downloads: 1599)

[ 129–136 ] The project «Camp school – garden» (on the example of Khanty-Mansiysk Autonomous Okrug — Yugra)
Tkachuk N.V.

Article (file: pdf, size: 290 KB, downloads: 311)