Implementation of the target model of mentoring in college: a managerial aspect

Volume 8 (2023), № 1, P. 47–58


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In accordance with the Federal project “Young professionals (Increasing the competitiveness of  vocational education)”, by 2024 it is planned to involve at least 70 % of students in educational institutions of  secondary vocational education in various forms of mentoring. In this regard, since 2020, the State Educational  Institution “Priargunsky State College” has been working on the introduction of a target model (methodology)  of mentoring. The proposed article presents the experience of implementing the mentoring model in  terms of managing this process. Management decisions should be based on a cause-and-effect analysis of  existing problems, in particular, those relating to the involvement of teachers and students in various forms  of mentoring. The identified problems are grouped into four blocks: educational, educational, methodological  activities, organization of educational and industrial practices. The selection of possible methods for solving  the problem is carried out using the “tree of goals”, based on the choice of the most optimal alternative, taking  into account the criteria: the amount of resource costs, possible consequences, the probability of achieving  the goal. The introduction of the target model of mentoring in the college is carried out in accordance with the  roadmap. As a mechanism for implementing the model, project management is proposed, according to which  the selected forms of mentoring “student-student”, “teacher-student”, “student-student”, “employer-student”,  “teacher-teacher”, “teacher-student”, are carried out within the framework of the projects “Professional”, “Mega  Student”, “Mega Teacher”.


mentoring, mentoring target model, project, project management, managerial decision, mentoring form, roadmap, cause-and-effect analysis


Irina S. Gomboyeva
ГПОУ Priargunsk State College, Priargunsk, Russian Federation

For citation:

Gomboyeva I.S. (2023) Implementation of the target model of mentoring in college: a managerial aspect. Sotsial’naya kompetentnost’ = Social Competence. Vol. 8. No. 1. P. 47–58. (In Russ.)


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