The method of synchronous-asynchronous teaching the discipline “information technology in profession” at the university: efficiently through the eyes of students

Volume 7 (2023), № 1, P. 74–87


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One of the most pressing problems associated with the Covid19 pandemic is the problem of widespread distance learning, which in turn causes problems in developing private methods for organizing such training in various subjects. The article describes the quantitative verification of the effectiveness of the distance learning methodology of the discipline “Information Technologies in professional activity” used at the Yaroslav the Wise Novgorod State University. The essence of the methodology is based on the use of universal communication media and presentation of video materials such as the social network “vkontakte” and video hosting “youtube”. The methodology is based on the synchronous-asynchronous principle of the organization of training, the results of the survey of students are presented and analyzed, proving the effectiveness of this technique. The survey was conducted by means of “Google forms”, while it was anonymous and pursued purely research purposes. The survey demonstrated the high efficiency of this technique and the positive attitude of students towards it. In addition, the survey showed the convenience of using the methodology due to the fact that most students use these environments. It is shown that this technique can be modified to meet the individual needs of each university teacher and can be used in other disciplines of higher and secondary vocational education.


distance learning, teaching methods, synchronous-asynchronous education, information technology


Leonid B. Ershteyn
Yaroslav-the-Wise Novgorod State University, Veliky Novgorod, Russian Federation,
State Pedagogical Institute. V.G. Korolenko, Glazov, Udmurt Republic, Russian Federation

For citation:

Ershteyn L.B. (2023) The method of synchronous-asynchronous teaching the discipline
“information technology in profession” at the university: efficiently through the eyes of students. Sotsialnaya kompetentnost = Social Competence. Vol. 8. No. 1. P. 74–87. (In Russ.).


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