Mentoring as a pedagogical phenomenon: history and modernity

Volume 6, Number 2, 2021, P. 201–207


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The article is devoted to the study of the problem of mentoring at different stages of the development of pedagogical science and education. The main periods of consideration of the issue are highlighted: prerevolutionary (XVIII – XIX centuries), the beginning of the XX century, 70–80s of the XX century. In the course of a retrospective analysis of the historical and pedagogical literature, the directions of the formation of mentoring are indicated: in the mainstream of Orthodox culture, in the system of general, vocational education and production. The basis of communication between the mentor and the instructed in Orthodoxy is the spiritual component. In education, mentoring is studied from the perspective of the formation of a system of classroom mentoring, as well as its various forms: «teacher– young– teacher», «teacher – student», «school principal – teacher», «student –student». For this purpose, the regulatory documents of the Ministry of Public Education, the works of N.I. Pirogov, K. D. Ushinsky, V.S. Sukhomlinsky, A.S. Makarenko, S.G. Vershlovsky. Mentoring in the development of the profession ranges from handicrafts to vocational education and training in the workplace. It was revealed that the scientific foundation was laid in the 70-80s. last century. A systematic view is contained in the works of S.Ya. Batyshev. At present, the institute of mentoring in Russia is being revived: documents are accepted at the state level, the methodology of students in schools, the system of secondary vocational and additional education has been developed and implemented.


mentoring, mentor, form of mentoring, master, teacher


Irina S. Gomboyeva, Cand. Sci. (Pedagogy), Educator of Priargunsk State College, Priargunsk, Russia

For citation:

Gomboyeva I.S. (2021) Mentoring as a pedagogical phenomenon: history and modernity. Sotsial’naya kompetentnost’ = Social Competence. Vol. 6. No. 2. P. 201–207. (In Russ.)


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