Volume 4, Number 3, 2019, P. 279–285
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The article analyzes the problem of promoting the employment of unemployed women in the city of Irkutsk in the context of an increase of precarious work of the able-bodied population. It emphasizes that the state employment policy in our country lacks an individual and differentiated approach taking into account the various categories of unemployed women. The author specifies the most promising job placements for women in modern conditions. Based on public statistics of the territorial body of the Federal Service of State Statistics in Irkutsk region and OGKU «Employment Center of the city of Irkutsk», the dynamics of the number of women of working age from 2015 to 2019, the level of registered female unemployment, as well as the level of employment among women from 2016 to 2018 years in the city of Irkutsk are shown. Moreover, the effectiveness of vocational training and further vocational education during the period of parental leave until the child attains the age of three is revealed as an additional measure of social support for unemployed women. An analysis of various sociological and psychological studies has shown that the effectiveness of women’s employment depends primarily on their socio-demographic and personal-biographical indicators, individual psychological characteristics, labor motivation, the level of socio-psychological adaptation, the structure and content of the value-semantic sphere, social well-being, their level of awareness of the real state of the national and local labor market. It is emphasized that the profiling used in the activities of the OGKU «Employment Center of the city of Irkutsk» creates more specific view of them and makes activities more differentiated when working with unemployed women. It also reduces the level and duration of their unemployment, and causes budget savings. It was concluded that the extensive practice of applying profiling, individual support, taking into account the family circumstances of women, the implementation of special programs for them meeting current trends and the real needs of the labor market in the post-industrial era will overcome the formal nature and approach to unemployed women as a faceless unit in service documents.
unemployed women, Irkutsk, labor market, employment, social support, employment center
Evgenia G. Kopalkina, Cand. Sci. (Philosophy), Associate Professor of Sociology and Psychology Department, Irkutsk National Research Technical University, Irkutsk, Russia
For citation:
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