Volume 7 (2022), № 4, P. 316–326
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Alues are the basic dominants of consciousness through which all other phenomena are interpreted (perceived, evaluated). The article discusses the processes of transformation of the value orientations of Russian society after the social crisis of the 90s, entry into the digital, global world and familiarization with the values of the consumer society. The characteristics of the modern digital generation correlate with the principles and distinctive features of the art of postmodernism — the era in which this generation is formed. Again, the dilemma posed by O. Wilde becomes relevant: art imitates life or, on the contrary, life imitates art. The formation of value orientations begins in childhood, on the example of fairy tales, cartoon films, the images of which clearly set the boundaries between good and evil, good and bad, referring to the archetypes of our consciousness and proven stories and situations. Despite the traditional and archaic nature, the fairy tale genre does not remain unchanged and is also subject to all the trends of the modern world — both rethinking, according to the principles of postmodernity, and translation of Western stereotypes of behavior and thinking, which are actively spreading thanks to information technologies and the network structure of the modern world. The “democratic” values of the Western world are not organic for our culture, as well as stereotypes of behavior introduced by mass culture. The neo-Kantian method of “reference to value” should work on the formed value paradigm, addressed to the archetypes of our cultural code.
digital generation, deconstruction, axiological scale, “reference to value”, fairy tale archetypes
Alla B. Denisova
National Research University “Moscow Power Engineering Institute”,
Moscow, Russian Federation
For citation:
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