Volume 7 (2022), № 4, P. 281–289
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Stat’ya posvyashchena analizu konstitutsionno-pravovogo regulirovaniya poryadka osushchestvleniya administrativnogo kontrolya za deyatel’nost’yu organov mestnogo samoupravleniya na primere zarubezhnykh stran (SSHA, Germanii i Frantsii). V rabote byli ispol’zovany: dialekticheskiy metod, metod sistemnogo i strukturnogo analiza, a takzhe sravnitel’no-pravovogo issledovaniya. Stavilas’ zadacha — rassmotret’ konstitutsionnyye osnovy administrativnogo kontrolya za organami mestnogo samoupravleniya v zarubezhnykh stranakh, vyyavit’ probely v konstitutsionno-pravovom regulirovanii i razrabotat’ predlozheniya po sovershenstvovaniyu konstitutsionnogo zakonodatel’stva. Rezul’taty issledovaniya mogut byt’ ispol’zovany v kachestve teoreticheskikh polozheniy nauki konstitutsionnogo prava zarubezhnykh stran i administrativnogo prava, a takzhe v zakonodatel’noy praktike.
constitutional regulation, administrative control, constitutional control, state control
Roman S. Tikhy
Kuban State Agrarian University,
Krasnodar, Russian Federation
For citation:
Tikhy R. S. (2022) Constitutional foundations of administrative control over the activities of
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