On the correlation of legal responsibility and legal responsibility: socio-legal aspect

Volume 7 (2022), № 4, P. 261-270


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The article is devoted to the problem of a broad interpretation of the concept of “legal responsibility”. Based on the pluralism of approaches to legal understanding existing in the theory of law, as well as the homonymy of the word “law” in general, it is proposed to distinguish between the concepts and phenomena of “legal responsibility” and “legal responsibility”. The first refers to the responsibility provided for by the norms of positive law, that is, established or sanctioned by the State. The second, along with the responsibility provided for by positive law, covers the responsibility provided for by the norms of customary law, corporate law and religious (canonical, Muslim, Jewish, Hindu) law. The author substantiates the position according to which the types of liability provided for by these regulators have common features with the legal liability provided for by positive law, which allows them to be combined under the generic concept of “legal liability”, and to distinguish them by virtue of their specificity, within the framework of types of social responsibility into a special group. In particular, such general features include formal certainty, written character, thoughtfulness and regularity of the imposition procedure, the presence of persons or governing bodies specially authorized to apply responsibility by relevant organizations or communities. In addition to pluralism in the definition of the concept of law, the author also proceeds from the non-universality of positive law as a leading social regulator.


responsibility, positive law, customary law, corporate law, canon law, Muslim law


Egor A. Kulikov
Altai State University, Barnaul, Russian Federation

For citation:

Kulikov E. A. (2022) On the correlation of legal responsibility and legal responsibility: sociolegal
aspect. Sotsial’naya kompetentnost’ = Social Competence. Vol. 7. No. 4. Р. 261-270. (In Russ.).


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