Modern sociological approaches to the study of the phenomenon of “leisure”

Volume 7 (2022), № 4, P. 344-352


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The relevance of the research is due to the trends of change in modern society, in which an increase in labor productivity, changes in working conditions and recreation, brings the topic of leisure to the fore, both in scientific papers and in everyday life. At the same time, there is a problem of updating the content of concepts related to non-working time. In this regard, the article offers an analysis of the sociological discourse in the field of leisure sociology. The similarity and difference of the concepts of leisure, free time, rest is determined. The paper provides an overview of Russian and foreign scientific research on the content of this term. The purpose of the article is to analyze modern sociological approaches to the concept of leisure. The achievement of the chosen goal was ensured by the following general scientific research methods: comparative, analytical and synthetic. The authors notes that leisure is widespread in modern society, and therefore, there are a huge number of definitions of this phenomenon in the literature. However, science has not developed a single generally accepted definition of leisure. The article also notes that the sociology of leisure has a set of different approaches to the study of the phenomenon of leisure. The author pays close attention to the concept of “leisure civilization” and the description of the characteristics of such a type of leisure as serious leisure. In conclusion, the authors notes that the study of leisure, as well as the majority of complexly defined phenomena, must be approached from different points of view and use not only a comprehensive methodological approach, but also the results of all those sciences that study the phenomenon of leisure and related activity and time practices: rest, free time, recreation, etc.


leisure, free time, leisure civilization


Artem S. Mironov,
Irkutsk State University of Railway Transport,
Irkutsk, Russian Federation,

Elena N. Struk
Irkutsk National Research Technical University,
Irkutsk, Russian Federation

For citation:

Mironov A. S., Struk E. N. (2022) Modern sociological approaches to the study of the phenomenon of “leisure”. Sotsialnaya kompetentnost = Social Competence. Vol. 7. No. 4. P. 344-352. (In Russ.).


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