Том 7 (2022), № 2-3, с. 201–210
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The 2019/2020 academic year was unique in the history of Russian education: from March to May, all educational organizations in the country were promptly switched to online learning due to the spread of coronavirus infection (COVID-19) and the declared pandemic. In the course of the analysis of scientific and methodological literature, the author identified the main approaches to the definition of the concept of «distance learning». Thanks to online surveys conducted in May-June 2021 among teachers of rural schools in the Vologda district of the Vologda region, information was obtained on the organization of distance learning in the face of epidemiological risks. The survey results are summarized in the presented article. When trying to introduce Internet education, problems were identified: technical (lack of necessary equipment, quality of the Internet, etc.) and organizational (increased workload on teachers, untimely completion of assignments by schoolchildren, etc.). In the process of processing the obtained data, the hypothesis about the unpreparedness of rural schools for the transition to online learning was confirmed. In addition, the problem of organizing the educational process in an online format continues to be relevant due to the continuing risk of an epidemic.
distance learning, online learning, rural school, teacher, student, coronavirus infection
Elena P. Roshko
FGBUN VolSC “Russian Academy of Sciences”, Vologda, Russian Federation
For citation:
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