Evaluation of the influence of intangible factors on the formation of Human potential of children

Volume 6, Number 3, 2021, P. 348–361


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The issues of forming the human potential of children remain invariably relevant regardless of the current socio-economic and demographic situation, since they directly or indirectly affect the key issues of the country’s social development. The factors that can affect the results of raising children in the family are of different nature and often act in combination with each other. In the studies of Russian authors, the task of differentiated consideration of the impact of non-material factors on the formation of the human potential of children is rarely set. The present study is devoted to identifying and characterizing the relationship between the level of formation of the components of children’s human potential with the level of education of parents, the content and duration of their communication with children in families with different levels of income purchasing power. The information base of the study was made up of data from a representative sociological survey of families with children living in the Vologda Region, conducted in 2018. The obtained results indicate the presence of a statistically significant positive correlation between the level of education of the mother and the degree of formation of the health potential of children in families with high incomes and incomes above the average level. It is also established that in families where at least one parent has a higher education, the formation of the human potential of children is higher. Significant positive correlations are observed between the availability of higher education among parents and the values of the sub-indices of children’s health and intellectual development. In families with high incomes and incomes above the average level. The results obtained confirm the high importance of nonmaterial factors in the formation of the potential of the younger generation. In the final part of the article, recommendations are formulated to increase the educational potential of parents.


child population, human potential, educational potential of the family, factors of human potential formation, family support


Leila N. Natsun, Researcher of the Laboratory for Research of Management Problems in the Social Sphere of the Department for Research of the Level and Lifestyle of the Population, Vologda Scientific Center of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Vologda, Russia

For citation:

Natsun L.N. (2021) Evaluation of the influence of intangible factors on the formation of Human potentialof children. Sotsial’naya kompetentnost’ = Social Competence. Vol. 6. No. 3. P. 348–361. (In Russ.).


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