Volume 6, Number 2, 2021, P. 234–240
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The article focuses on an important aspect of recent management practice. We are talking about adapting the service sector, in particular, catering enterprises to the conditions of restrictions that are associated with the ongoing pandemic. COVID-19 The authors emphasize the importance of a socially technological approach in organizing the work of service enterprises in fairly difficult conditions that were dictated by the self-isolation regime. It is noted that one of the most important activities of the service sector, along with constantly meeting the needs of the population for a variety of services, in particular catering, was the preservation of jobs and qualified specialists. An empirical study conducted among residents of the regional center, as well as a survey of experts, showed that in general the catering sector of Kaliningrad successfully coped with the problems that arose. At the same time, it was revealed that the pandemic period COVID-19 failed to ensure a harmonious transition to new working conditions, to fully use the adaptation opportunities and the potential of competent management of social organizations in extreme conditions. Often, the heads of catering enterprises acted on the initiative, could not use modern technologies in management practice.
social technologies; pandemic COVID-19; management practices; service area
Vladimir V. Krivosheev, Dr. Sci. (Sociological Sciences), Professor, Associate Professor of Institute of Humanities of Immanuel, Kant Baltic Federal University, Kaliningrad, Russia
Diana A. Varakuta, manager, of «Kaliningrad Restaurant Service» company, Kaliningrad, Russia
Alisa A. Yangol, manager, of the «Papasha Beppe» pizzeria company, Kaliningrad, Russia
For citation:
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