Volume 6, Number 2, 2021, P. 208–222
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The research is aimed at improving the quality of engineering personnel training based on the development and justification of the theoretical and methodological foundations and the mechanism for the development of pedagogical abilities of university research and teaching staff and their readiness for creative renewal of the educational process. The level of methodological competence of teachers of technical universities is analyzed and the problem of the need to intensify the development of their creative and pedagogical competence is determined. The development of conceptual approaches to solving the problem was carried out on the basis of axiological, contextual, personal-activity methodological approaches. The components of the creative and pedagogical competence of a teacher of a technical university are Попов А.И., Ракитина Е.А., Молоткова Н.В. Методология развития креативно-педагогической компетенции … Popov A.I., Rakitina E.A., Molotkova N.V. Methodology of development of creative and pedagogical competence … ISSN 2658-5855 Социальная компетентность 2021 Т. 6 № 2 С. 208–222 Social competence 2021 Vol. 6 No. 2 P. 208–222 209 defined: the value orientation to effective teaching activities; the ability to organize and independently carry out creative activities; the ability to develop tools that target students to creative activities; the ability to integrate scientific and educational components of activities and focus on the implementation of pedagogical innovations. The effectiveness of the teacher’s activity in developing the creative abilities of students is largely determined by his personal passion and initiative, the relationship between the sphere of scientific interests and the disciplines taught, spiritual and moral qualities and the civil position held. The problematic points in the development of creative and pedagogical competence and the use of its potential in the innovative renewal of the educational process are identified: the current system of forming the teaching staff of regional universities, the mechanism of functioning of additional professional education, the low demand in educational practice for scientific solutions and pedagogical technologies for teaching certain disciplines and mastering various professional areas in the university. The main obstacle is the internal negative perception of pedagogy as a science by some teachers of engineering disciplines. An organizational mechanism for the development of creative and pedagogical competence of teachers is designed, which involves the modernization of the system of advanced training, stimulating methodological work, intensifying the training of graduate students, holding creative competitions among scientific and pedagogical workers, and providing information for innovations in pedagogy. The educational institution provides methodological, financial and organizational support for pedagogical innovations. The introduction of the developed approaches to improving the professional skills of university teachers will allow to intensify the creative development of students and improve the quality of technical education.
creativity, creative and pedagogical competence, pedagogical skills, digital educational technologies, pedagogical innovations, self-development
Andrei I. Popov, Cand. Sci. (Pedagogical sciences), Associate Professor, of the Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education Tambov State Technical University, Tambov, Russia
Elena A. Rakitina, doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, Professor, of the Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education, Tambov State Technical University, Tambov, Russia
Nataliya V. Molotkova, Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, Professor, Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education, Tambov State Technical University, Tambov, Russia
I would like to express my very great appreciation to Kukushkina Valentina Andreevna, a specialist in teaching methods, honorable person in national education, for her support and valuable comments throughout the article preparation.
For citation:
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