Volume 5, Number 4, 2020, P. 541–548
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The article examines the main aspects of functioning of social institutes in the Russian society in terms of COVID-19 pandemic. The author assumes that the proposed analysis is purely preliminary, since many aspects related to the activities of the authorities and management, the work of enterprises and organizations of all sectors of the economy cannot be fully assessed yet, since the epidemic is still ongoing. However the pandemic allowed a new organization of functioning of educational institutions including transition to the distant education. But along with the apparent advantages it caused some problems. The article emphasizes that this relates, for example, to disruptions in routine of school socialization. The author considers it possible and necessary to pay attention to the measures proposed to reduce the incidence of the dangerous infection, to the spread of the number of infections. According to the author, there are four categories of individuals depending on their reaction to the pandemic. They are COVID dissidents, COVID panickers, COVID indifferent and COVID rational. There are no precise sociological studies that show the capacity of each of these strata. They should be carried out in order to more accurately determine the actions of health institutions, authorities and the media. This will show the most vulnerable points of societyб will allow both reduction of the risk of the COVID-19 pandemic spread and will ultimately result in its cessation.
pandemic COVID-19, behavioural practices, behavioral reactions to external risks
Vladimir V. Krivosheev, Dr. Sci. (Sociological Sciences), Professor, Associate Professor of Institute of Humanities, Immanuel Kant Baltic Federal University, Kaliningrad, Russan
For citation:
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