Volume 5 (2020), No. 3

Volume 5, Number 3
(file: pdf, size: 15.5 MB, downloads: 495)

[ 286–302 ]

“Three ways of going through karma”: Russian Westernism in perception by N.N. Alekseev
Kulikov E.A.

Abstract (file: pdf, size: 340 KB, downloads: 255)

Article (file: pdf, size: 597 KB, downloads: 514)

[ 303–315 ]

Incoterms as a legal act
Pakharukov A.A.

Abstract (file: pdf, size: 345 KB, downloads: 277)

Article (file: pdf, size: 616 KB, downloads: 821)

[ 316–323 ]

Project management in professional education of college students
Gomboyeva I.S.

Abstract (file: pdf, size: 342 KB, downloads: 286)

Article (file: pdf, size: 523 KB, downloads: 363)

[ 324–333 ]

Dependence of the State stability on students’ citizenship education
Denisova A.B.

Abstract (file: pdf, size: 361 KB, downloads: 273)

Article (file: pdf, size: 592 KB, downloads: 362)

[ 334–340 ]

Analytical reading in class of oral communication culture (a foreign language)
Zabolotneva O.L., Kozhukhova I.V.

Abstract (file: pdf, size: 355 KB, downloads: 319)

Article (file: pdf, size: 527 KB, downloads: 436)

[ 341–352 ]

COVID-19, practical pedagogy and philosophy of education
Kolesnikov A.S.

Abstract (file: pdf, size: 361 KB, downloads: 280)

Article (file: pdf, size: 565 KB, downloads: 376)

[ 353–361 ]

Organization of upbringing education when mastering engineering disciplines
Popov A.I.

Abstract (file: pdf, size: 341 KB, downloads: 251)

Article (file: pdf, size: 538 KB, downloads: 353)

[ 362–376 ]

Political-economic and moral-legal challenges of our time in the context of psychological support: the possibilities and limitations of human self-determination within the macrosocial stress (through the example of the Russian Federation)
Arpentieva M.R.

Abstract (file: pdf, size: 372 KB, downloads: 301)

Article (file: pdf, size: 660 KB, downloads: 345)

[ 377–388 ]

Volunteering and volunteer practice as a way of university students’ self-realization
Bolshov V.B., Nikolaenko V.V.

Abstract (file: pdf, size: 335 KB, downloads: 338)

Article (file: pdf, size: 558 KB, downloads: 498)

[ 389–397 ]

Information capital and digital inequality
Krivosheev V.V

Abstract (file: pdf, size: 353 KB, downloads: 330)

Article (file: pdf, size: 566 KB, downloads: 499)

[ 398–407 ]

Research of the problem of development of state support of talented youth of the Saratov region
Semenova Yu.A.

Abstract (file: pdf, size: 351 KB, downloads: 270)

Article (file: pdf, size: 542 KB, downloads: 374)

[ 408–418 ]

Assessment of components of university educational environment (through the example of INRTU)
Sidorova N.V.

Abstract (file: pdf, size: 337 KB, downloads: 367)

Article (file: pdf, size: 788 KB, downloads: 582)

[ 419–425 ]

Language as a way of ethnic self-identification (through the example of minor indigenous peoples of Berezovsky district of Ugra)
Tkachuk N.V.

Abstract (file: pdf, size: 344 KB, downloads: 302)

Article (file: pdf, size: 524 KB, downloads: 378)