COVID-19, practical pedagogy and philosophy of education

Volume 5, Number 3, 2020, P. 341–352


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The article considers the challenges caused by COVID-19 in the sphere of practical pedagogics and philosophy of education. The virus has highlighted inequality and injustice in many areas of cultural, social, economic and political life of the developed countries. Challenges facing health care caused by spread of a novel coronavirus have resulted in severe disruptions and problems in school training in different countries of the world, including the United States of America. Coronavirus has become an incredible test of digital readiness of educational institutions: the educational process has been disrupted for more than a billion students and schoolchildren from 160 countries. Within the framework of «Help to Study at Home» program, the Russian Ministry of Education provided almost half a million Russian students with computers for distance learning in connection with the transition of schools to home education with elements of distance education, and supplied the necessary equipment for children and teachers who were not able to purchase gadgets. The crisis solutions in education require a radical change of the viewpoint on the prevailing attitudes in pedagogics and philosophy of education. It is necessary to find out the importance: a) knowledge online, face-to-face, or hybrid training; b) the feature of cognitive, social and emotional transitions of students to new learning platforms. This is how an interest in educational technologies, support for teachers and substantiation of innovations in the philosophy of education is initiated. Opponents of a distant form of education speak of failure in children’s socialization, in education, in organization of scientific societies and creative groups. In turn, the philosophy of education should offer a flexible and concrete solution to problems.


СOVID-19, health care, education, distance education, online learning issues, educational technologies, history of philosophy of education


Anatoly S. Kolesnikov, Dr. Sci. (Philosophy), Professor of History of Philosophy Department, St. Petersburg State University, Institute of philosophy, St. Petersburg, Russia


The study has been implemented with the support of the fund RSF No17-18-01440–Anthropological dimension of the history of philosophy.

For citation:

Kolesnikov A.S. (2020) Covid-19, practical pedagogy and philosophy of education. Sotsial’naya kompetentnost’ = Social Competence. T. 5. No. 3. С. 341–352. (In Russ.)


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