Features of teaching and educational process organization in Russian universities (through the example of IRNITU)

Volume 5, Number 1, 2020, P. 128–137


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The article provides the results of sociological research carried out through questionnaire aimed at the examination of satisfaction in education at IRNITU (Irkutsk, 2019, n=400). The method of formation was a quota sample; typological, frequency-response analysis was used to process and generalize the primary empirical data. The author assumed that the system of higher education, being one of the most important social institutions, and the level of professional training of future specialists directly depend on the formation and the actual state of satisfaction of study. The research has shown that when choosing a higher education institution and field of study young people are primarily guided by interest in the profession and their abilities. Most of them are fully satisfied with their specialty. In their opinion, the choice was made consciously and they are not disappointed; they consider the chosen specialty to be in demand and they are going to work in this sphere in future. IRNITU offers a wide range of clubs and skill networks, scientific and educational events, various conferences and the study schedule is very tight. Nevertheless, the respondents pointed out problematic areas of educational process at IRRITU that is postgraduate employment in the field of specialty, insufficient work experience internship, dormitories, catering, etc. Taking all things together, there are some problems in the educational process at IRRITU. It was concluded that most students have an average level of satisfaction in the educational process. The revealed drawbacks can be grounds for concrete measures to improve the quality of higher education at IRNITU.


educational process, students, higher education institution, quality of education, study satisfaction, sociological research


Natalya V. Sidorova, Cand. Sci. (Sociology), Associate Professor of Sociology and Psychology Department, Irkutsk National Research Technical University, Irkutsk, Russian

For citation:

Sidorova N.V. (2020) Features of teaching and educational process organization in Russian universities (through the example of IRNITU). Sotsial’naya kompetentnost’ = Social Competence. Vol. 5. No. 1. P. 128–137. (In Russ.)


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