The influence of the age profile of fertility on the modern demographic situation in the Republic of Mordovia

Volume 4, Number 4, 2019, P. 370–379


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The article analyzes the theoretical foundations of the emergence and spread of the phenomenon of “late childbearing” among women of childbearing age in the modern society. It examines the results of empirical studies on the determination of these women’s reproductive attitudes. The authors assess the degree of influence of the reproductive norms prevailing in the historical retrospective among the population on desire for children in modern Russia. At present, important and significant changes are taking place directly in the system of value orientations of childbearing age women: extra-family values are gradually coming to the fore, and a family with several children falls by the wayside. The transformation of the age profile of fertility to older ages certainly affects the dynamics of the birth rate in Russia as a whole and the Republic of Mordovia in particular. The consequences of delaying first pregnancy include: reduction of the reproductive period; artificial abortion as one of the methods of birth control; mother’s age; the threat to material well-being; decline in the value of sustainable marriage. The authors have conducted a sociological study to establish the relationship between the changing the age profile of fertility of childbearing age women and the elements of the state family policy that influence it, due to the fact that the assessment of the current demographic situation necessitates a more in-depth study of factors and due to the reproductive behavior of the population, which largely determines the birth rate.


woman of childbearing age, fertility, age, family, state family policy


Dinara A. Bistyaykina, Cand. Sci. (Sociology Sciences), Associate Professor of Social Work Department, National Research Mordovian State University named after N.P. Ogaryov, Saransk, Russia

Alyona S. Tabakova, Career counselor in the Graduate Employment Promotion Center, National Research Mordovian State University named after N.P. Ogaryov, Saransk, Russia

For citation:

Bistyaykina D.A., Tabakova A.S. (2019) The influence of the age profile of fertility on the modern demographic situation in the Republic of Mordovia. Social Competence. Vol. 4. No. 4. P. 370–379. (In Russ.)


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