Volume 4, Number 3, 2019, P. 286–291
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The article deals with the current stage of development of science and society in terms of socio-cultural characteristics and characteristics of society. Consideration of science in the socio-cultural context is one of the urgent philosophical tasks: the need to develop principles and provisions that allow to control the development of science through the analysis of scientific social conditionality and the conditions of interaction of material and spiritual culture. The main purpose of the article is to study the key socio-cultural features of post-industrial society and related changes occurring at the present stage of development of post-non-classical science. Achieving this goal is possible through the solution of related tasks: identification, characterization of socio-cultural features of post-industrial society and the establishment of relationships between them; identification of features characteristic of the post-non-classical stage of development of science; study of the impact of changes in socio-cultural elements of post-industrial society on the vector of development of postnon-classical science as a whole.
The paper reflects the following socio-cultural features of post-industrial society: changing the type of society, digitalization, economization, value cynicism, the prevalence of mass culture, theatricalization. According to the authors, these sociocultural features prevail in post-industrial society and have a great influence on the development of post-non-classical science as a whole.
The universal application of scientific research in public life, the multidirection of scientific research, which is associated with the information revolution, changes the nature of scientific activity. Thus, a positive effect is achieved in the interaction of pictures of the reality that are in the differentiated sciences. This creates a unified scientific picture of the world.
postindustrial society, postnonclassical science, sociocultural features, digitalization, economization, cynicism, mass culture, theatricalization
Anna V. Mayakova, Candidate of Philosophical Sciences, a research officer, Department of Philosophy and Sociology, the Southwest State University, Kursk, Russia
The publication has been prepared with a support of the Grant of the President of the Russian Federation “Transdisciplinary sociocultural risk management model” (MK-240.2019.6).
For citation:
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