The problems of the system of education civil position in technical universitiesх

Volume 3, Number 4, 2018, P. 41–48


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Education is a process of learning and education. Education determines the target program of activity, forms the vector of needs of the person, and the amount of knowledge and skills obtained in the process of education is directed to the implementation of those tasks, in those forms and in those ways that correspond to the axiological scale formed in the process of education. Appearing in the process of learning the civil position of the individual is subsequently manifested in all aspects of her life. Most young people go through the system of higher education. The formation of the civil position of students in an information-rich and open world, the current problems of national security bring to the fore the task of educating the younger generation. Despite the proclaimed at the state level of the task of education of civil consciousness, the analysis showed that they are not sufficiently reflected in the educational standards that determine the content of student learning and, accordingly, are poorly manifested in the educational process. Federal state standards of education, reinforced by professional standards, are aimed primarily at satisfying the order of the modern labor market. On educational activity there are no mandatory standards, so today this area (its existence, development, fullness, etc.) is at the discretion of the administration of the University. Especially vividly these trends are reflected in students of technical universities, whose civic position in view of the specifics of learning is formed not due to the educational process, but under the influence of external, natural, often negative factors.


educational process in high school, educational standards, civil position, civil self-determination, competence approach


Alla B. Denisova, PhD, associate Professor of philosophy and history, Moscow technical University of communications and Informatics, Moscow, Russia

For citation:

Denisova A.B. The problems of the system of education civil position in technical universities. Sotsial’naya kompetentnost’ = Social Competence. 2018;4(3):41–48. (In Russ.).


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