Volume 3, Number 4, 2018, P. 6–14
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The article is devoted to a practically unexplored issue in Russian criminal law science. If the social basis of criminal law norms is analyzed from time to time by scientists, in separate works the rules of sentencing participants in a crime are considered, the question of the social validity of the latter has not been raised. To special rules of sentencing for a crime committed in complicity, the author refers the provisions of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation to be applied only in a situation of committing a crime in complicity, except for Part 1 of Art. 67 of the Criminal Code. The social foundations of these rules are the elements of social reality, showing the interest of society and the state in the existence of such rules, and precisely in their content. An analysis of the special rules for determining the criminal penalties for crimes committed in complicity, allows us to conclude that taken separately they have the property of social justification. Problems are caused by the absence of their strict legislative system. The systematic nature of criminal law is its most important feature, the full-fledged social soundness of regulatory legal prescriptions implies their systematization. The current edition of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation allows to work purposefully with the rules of sentencing for a crime committed in complicity, only after their prior separation from various articles of the criminal law and internal systematization. The interpretation of the law allows to partially solve the technical and legal problems that the legislator laid down when preparing the text of the criminal law, and also partly to remove the question of the social soundness of its individual regulatory requirements.
complicity in the crime, the appointment of punishment, social grounds, the validity of criminal law, the interpretation of criminal law, general and special rules
Egor A. Kulikov, Candidate of Juridical Sciences, Associate Professor of Criminal Law and Criminology Department of Altai State University, Barnaul, Russia
For citation:
Kulikov E.A. Social bases of special rules for the purpose of punishment for participation in a crime
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