Innovations in modern education: concept, essence, classification

Volume 3, Number 3, 2018, P. 56–62


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The article deals with the transformation processes in modern society that make it necessary to reform social institutions, including the Institute of education. It is noted that in modern society the most important processes are those related to the creation and dissemination of knowledge. The level of development of the state is estimated by its ability to actively use and develop human potential. The paper studies different approaches of domestic and foreign researchers to the content of the concepts of «innovation» and «innovative activity». The methodological analysis showed that innovation theories were initially focused on the business sector. To be competitive, enterprises have introduced new products or services increasing the efficiency of their production processes and organizational mechanisms. Gradually, innovative activity «flowed» into the public services sector. Since education is the main component of public services, innovative processes in this industry have become an integral part of the social development of modern society. The author analyzes the conceptual aspects of innovation. The understanding of the essence of innovative activity is considered in the educational process. The generalized classification of educational innovations is given. The author notes that education is very conservative, so very often when trying to introduce educational innovations there is resistance and attempts to reduce possible changes to a minimum. Therefore, any innovations should be applied with caution, partially replacing the old methods and approaches, transforming only certain aspects of the educational process.


innovation, innovation potential, modernization, innovation process, educational activity, efficiency,
human capital


Nina S. Druzhinina, Senior teacher of Department of Foreign Languages for Technical Specialties № 2, Irkutsk National Research Technical University, Irkutsk, Russia

For citation:

Druzhinina N.S. Innovations in modern education: concept, essence, classification. Sotsial’naya kompetentnost’ = Social Competence. 2018;3(3): 56–62. (In Russ.).


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