Volume 2, Number 4, 2017, P. 46–51
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The article considers the concepts «meaning», and «meaning-making» and provides various viewpoints of scientists on this issue. It emphasizes that the holistic theory of meaning is insufficiently developed. The author shows that the starting point for scientists in the study of meaning and meaning-making is existential and humanitarian-oriented researches. Modern approaches to meaning and meaning-making in educational process are described. The article concludes that currently in the domestic psychology there are approaches to the problem of meaning and meaning formation that can be considered in the context of the educational process.
meaning, meaning-making, educational process, social values, values and attitude towards life
Natalya Ye. Gorskaya, Candidate of Psychological Sciences, Associate Professor of Foreign Languages Department No 1 for Engineering Fields of Study, Faculty of Applied Linguistics, Irkutsk National Research Technical University, Irkutsk, Russia
For citation:
Gorskayа N.Ye. Modern approaches to meaning and meaning-making issues in educational process // Social Competence. 2017, vol. 2, no. 4, pp. 46–51. (In Russian)
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