Volume 8 (2023), No. 4, pp. 26–34
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The purpose of the article is to consider the relevance of the formation of skills of information-safe behavior of adolescents as behavior that ensures their safety in organizing the search, collection, processing, analysis and codification, use and storage of information using various information sources that do not harm others. The author solves one of the research tasks related to the description of technology for the formation of skills of information-safe behavior of adolescents in an educational organization, involving the implementation of several stages, each of which is associated with the formation of components of information-safe behavior of a teenager: the stage of actualization and familiarization – with the formation of a value-motivational component in relation to information security; the stage of understanding and transformation – with the formation of the cognitive component; the stage of application and acceptance – with the formation of the activity component; the stage of analysis and synthesis involves the formation of an analytical component; the reflexive stage involves the formation of a creative component. The effectiveness of the implementation of the stages of technology for the formation of information-safe behavior skills of adolescents is presented based on the goals of its implementation, according to knowledge (cognitive), motivational-activity, reflexive criteria.
information security, teenagers, technology, diagnostics, information security criteria
Vitaly N. Efimov, computer science teacher, Maryinskaya school No. 1566 in memory of the Heroes of the Battle of Stalingrad, Moscow, Russian Federation, efimov@1566.ru
For citation:
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