Volume 8 (2023), № 2, P. 38–46
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The increasing complexity of the process of adolescents growing up in modern society creates conditions for the relevance of psychological research into individual variations of this process. The purpose of this study was to empirically study the personal characteristics of adolescents with different types of age-status self-awareness. Using a sample of 236 schoolchildren aged 12–17 years using the personal adapted questionnaires 16HSPQ, Big5 and the author’s questionnaire “Age-status self-awareness of a teenager,”
it was revealed that adolescents with different types of age-status self-awareness are characterized by different personality traits.
teenage self-awareness, sense of adulthood, reluctance to grow up, age-status self-awareness, personality traits, differential psychology
Psychologist of the Department of Clinical Psychology and Psychotherapy of the Advisory Clinic for Adults “University Clinic” of the Medical Complex
For citation:
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