The specifics of the influence of research experience received by future teachers at a university on their research activity in the profession

Volume 8 (2023), № 2, P. 20–28


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Federal state educational standards set teachers the task of preparing students for project, educational and research activities. Teachers gain experience in design and scientific research in the process of obtaining professional education, participating in scientific and methodological conferences, preparing coursework, diploma work, and master’s research. At the moment, it has not been sufficiently studied to what extent the experience gained by future teachers influences their activity in this area at the stage of professional activity, which is the problem considered in this article. The study uses theoretical (analysis, synthesis) and empirical methods (questionnaires, correlation analysis, N. Kruskal-Wallis statistical test). The results of the study show that the presence and characteristics of the connection between the research experience gained by future teachers at a university and their research activity in the profession is determined by the professional experience of teachers.

Teachers whose experience is more than 20 years, who were actively involved in science at a university, are more inclined to believe that research activities are part of their professional activities and they are more diverse; they take part in organizing the project and research activities of students.

Teachers with less than 5 years of experience who were active in research activities during their studies at a university are statistically significantly more likely to note that they continue to engage in this activity in an educational organization. The responses of teachers with 5–10 years of experience and 10–20 years of experience did not show a statistically significant correlation.

Analysis of the survey data suggests that maintaining and increasing the activity of teachers in the field of research activities requires organizational and managerial decisions on the part of the leadership of the educational institution, and also suggests that advanced training and retraining of the teaching staff should be carried out in programs where writing a final qualifying work is a prerequisite for obtaining a certificate. These assumptions require separate research.


research activities, teachers, education, professional experience, higher education


Vyacheslav V. Kravtsov, Far Eastern Federal University (Vladivostok, Russia)

Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, Associate Professor, Department of Pedagogy and Developmental Psychology, School of Education

For citation:

Kravtsov V.V. (2023) The specifics of the influence of research experience received by future teachers at a university on their research activity in the profession. Social Competence. Vol. 8. No. 2. P. 20–28. (In Russ.).


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