Prospects for the use of artificial intelligence technology in operational-search support for the investigation and prevention of crimes of a terrorist nature

Volume 8 (2023), № 1, P. 4–20


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The aim of the work is to study topical issues of operational-search support for the investigation of  crimes of a terrorist nature. It is noted that recently there is more and more information of value for operationalsearch  activities, as actively developing information technologies contribute to the fact that any human activity  is reflected in the information field. However, there is a problem in processing the amount of information. The  collected data needs research and detailed study, which is quite difficult to implement. This problem can be  solved with the help of modern technologies such as artificial intelligence and neural networks. As a result, the  authors of the article note that the purpose of the operational-search support of the investigation of terrorism is  to timely provide the investigative body with the actual operational data, other materials, information obtained  as a result of the operational-search activities, which are large array of data. They need to be systematized for  a comprehensive and detailed study, which is quite possible to optimize with the help of artificial intelligence  technology. The conclusion is the judgment that with the help of modern technologies, such as neural networks  and artificial intelligence, it is possible to quickly and effectively use data to ensure the investigation and  prevention of terrorist crimes.


terrorism, investigation, crime, operational search activities, artificial intelligence, neural


Yuliana A. Evstratova, Alexander A. Shaposhnikov
St. Petersburg Military Order of Zhukov Institute of the National Guard Troops of the Russian Federation, St. Petersburg, Russian Federation

For citation:

Shaposhnikov A.A., Evstratova Yu.A. (2023) Prospects for the use of artificial intelligence
technology in operational-search support for the investigation and prevention of crimes of a terrorist nature. Sotsialnaya kompetentnost = Social Competence. Vol. 8. No. 1. P. 40–46. (In Russ.).


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