Volume 7 (2022), № 4, P. 327-333
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The change in the value orientations of young people in the conditions of the post-industrial digital economy is analyzed and universal abilities and personal qualities are highlighted that will allow a university graduate to realize himself in the profession, the importance of student self-development for professional development is shown. The necessity of forming a developing creative digital environment and the determining role of the level of creative and pedagogical competencies of a university teacher for organizing the creative self-development of students are substantiated. The characteristics that determine the creative and pedagogical competencies and the readiness of the teacher to organize the creative self-development of students in the context of the digitalization of the economy are identified: a high level of spiritual and moral culture and an understanding of pedagogy as a process of co-creation and assistance to the student in his professional development; the formation of the creative competencies of the teacher and the willingness to involve and accompany the creative process of students; the readiness of teachers to introduce pedagogical innovations in the process of professional training; digital literacy and the ability to interact with students in the digital space.
innovative readiness, axiology, creativity, self-development, creative and pedagogical competencies, digital educational technologies, pedagogical skills
Andrei I. Popov
Tambov State Technical University,
Tambov, Russian Federation
For citation:
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