Problems of preparing families for raising a child

Volume 7 (2022), № 4, P. 296–308


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The authors, using the example of working with foster families, reveals the main problems and areas of work with modern families: the fears and desires of spouses, leading to violations in their relationship with themselves, each other and children, as well as violations in the social and physical well-being of family members. The authors pays considerable attention to the issues of the spiritual health of the family as the basis that determines all other aspects of the well-being of its members, the possibility of their harmonious development in the family and outside the family. The authors compares problem families and families whose members have developed mature, harmonious and sincere relations, discusses the reasons and goals that encourage foster families to adopt children, narrowing or expanding the prospects for relations with foster children and the prospects for foster children themselves. The leading moments of the success of the family and helping the family here are non-deficiency, “redundancy” as the desire to give love, home, care and respect, and not the desire to solve one’s own problems at the expense of children and spouses, the ability to listen to one’s needs and regulate desires imposed from outside. The authors notes the importance of systematic work with families, their substructures within the framework of the Family Academy.


competence, parenting, Family Academy, mature relationships, non-differential love, forgiveness, letting go, stress, need, desire, conscience, deeds of love, sincerity, respect


Mariam R. Arpentieva, Alevtina V. Golovashkina
Center for psychological, pedagogical, medical and social assistance “Assistance”,
Kaluga, Russian Federation

For citation:

Arpentieva M. R., Golovashkina A. V. ( 2022) Problems of preparing families for raising a child
// Sotsialnaya kompetentnost = Social Competence. Vol. 7. No. 4. P. 296–308. (In Russ.).


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