Volume 7 (2022), № 4, P. 290–295
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The article is devoted to the issues of environmental education of employees in the organization as the most important stage of environmental education, coming after completion of training programs in vocational education institutions. Rapidly increasing environmental problems in certain regions of the country necessitate the development and implementation of mechanisms for environmental education of personnel in order to form sustainable models of environmental behavior, the main indicators of which are the presence of eco-habits among employees, the desire for rational use of natural resources in the organization, concern for the greening of workplaces and workspace. The results of the study allowed us to conclude that due to the lack of awareness of respondents about the technologies of greening the labor process, the system of environmental education in the workplace is poorly developed or completely absent. Taking into account this circumstance, the author suggests paying attention to the problem of irrational use of resources in the course of work, leading to the depletion of natural resources, aggravation of environmental problems. As the main measures contributing to the formation of a sustainable model of environmental behavior, the author calls the identifi of areas requiring the use of eco-approaches to the organization of the workfl the development of measures aimed at improving the level of environmental culture of employees of organizations of the Trans-Baikal Territory, the introduction of environmental infrastructure in organizations of the Trans-Baikal Territory, as well as improving existing practices of resource conservation in the labor process.
еnvironmental education, environmental behavior, ecological culture, eco-habit, rational use of
natural resources, resource conservation
Valentina S. Antonova
Trans-Baikal State University,
Chita, Russian Federation
For citation:
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