Evaluation of the performance of support measures for families with children during the Covid-19 pandemic: territorial features

Volume 7 (2022), № 4, P. 353–364


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The period of the coronavirus pandemic caused a cascade of negative socio-economic consequences, to which families with children were especially vulnerable. Domestic and foreign researchers have identifi a wide range of problems faced by families with children in this period. The intensifi of state support measures for families in Russia was designed to protect them from falling incomes and living standards, to prevent the spread of poverty. Despite the presence in the scientifi fi of a number of works devoted to assessing the eff of the measures taken, there are only a few works aimed at studying the situation at the level of individual regions. The article analyzes the coverage of families with children with support measures during the pandemic, as well as the contribution of these payments to their total cash income, based on data from a sample observation of household income and participation in government programs conducted by Rosstat in 2021. The novelty of the study is that the analysis was performed for the fi time in the territorial context for the Vologda Oblast in comparison with the allRussian picture, as well as in the context of the most vulnerable categories of families. It was found that large families, both in Russia and in the Vologda Oblast, were covered by support payments to the greatest extent. Also, for this category of families, the maximum contribution of payments to the total amount of cash income was recorded. It is shown that both at the country level and at the regional level there is a territorial specifi , which is manifested both in the coverage of families with payments for children, and in their correlation with the total income of families.


support measures for families with children, consequences of the COVID-19 pandemic, financial
situation of families with children, vulnerable categories of families with children


Leila N. Natsun
Federal State Budgetary Institution of Science “Vologda Scientific Center
of the Russian Academy of Sciences”,
Vologda, Russian Federation

For citation:

Natsun L. N. (2022) Evaluation of the performance of support measures for families with
children during the Covid-19 pandemic: territorial features. Sotsial’naya kompetentnost’ = Social Competence. Vol. 7. No. 4. P. 353–364. (In Russ.).


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