Development of the concept of anomy: specifics of social pathology in society of trauma

Volume 7 (2022), № 4, P. 334–343


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The article reveals the peculiarities of perception and defi of the concept of “norm” in relation to society of trauma. In this regard, the consideration is expressed about the presence of social and positive norms in society. It is emphasized that even such an allocation does not fully assess the occurrence and manifestation of social pathology in society. The evolution of the theory of anomaly at diff stages of the development of society is shown in detail, the importance of the modern interpretation of the anomalous state of society is emphasized. It is noted that in modern conditions it is important not only to clarify the concepts of “norm” and “anomaly,” but also to generally analyze the very possibility of determining them more or less accurately. It is especially important to do this, from the point of view of the authors, taking into account the emergence and functioning of trauma society. Therefore, the authors turn to the concept of social trauma, its development in the works of various researchers. It is considered important to show the peculiar transition of many individuals to the so-called short life projects, when it is not people’s strategic plans that dominate, but their desire to see not the prospects of life, but momentary desires. The approval of short life projects often meant the subjective impossibility for a person even the mental separability of positive, correct from negative, forbidden. This already partly conveys the idea of social pathology in postmodern constructions. Thus, a rather large uncertainty and the concept of the norm, and, accordingly, ways to assess the state of society based on it causes many not only theoretical, but also quite practical problems. That is why, as noted, now many individuals refuse both the previous, traditional, and new norms in their legality, in the possibility and need to accept them, to be guided by them. New norms and rules also quickly appear, but given the acceleration of social time, they just as quickly disappear, fade away in a peculiar way. By virtue of this, a person currently becomes not just self-suffi due to the lack of expectation of anything from the state, social institutions. For an individual society, the traumas of the norm have long been scattered into many private, individual ones. The authors conclude that in modern society it is quite diffi in our opinion, to determine what meaning the concept of anomaly has.


anomy, deviant behavior, social pathology, trauma society


Vladimir V. Krivosheev, Daniil YU. Kochergin
Immanuel Kant Baltic Federal University,
Kaliningrad, Russian Federation

For citation:

Krivosheev V. V., Kochergin D. YU. (2022) Development of the concept of anomy: specifics
of social pathology in society of trauma. Sotsialnaya kompetentnost = Social Competence. Vol. 7. No. 4. P. 334–343. (In Russ.).


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