Criminological characteristics of the personality of modern neonazists. Issues of countering neonazism as one of the main threats of the XXI century

Volume 7 (2022), № 4, P. 254-260


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The collapse of Nazism after the Second World War did not lead to its complete destruction. Unfortunately, recently in our country there has been an increase in neo-Nazi organizations and their activities. But perhaps its most extreme manifestations took place in Ukraine, where a large number of powerful neoNazi, extremist and ultra-radical organizations were formed, which developed at the expense of significant financial investments from Western patrons. The article considers administrative and criminal liability for the rehabilitation of Nazism, criminological characteristics of crime in the form of nationalism, and the development of legal tools that counteract modern extremist threats. It is proposed to introduce in all educational institutions of higher education in Russia the disciplines: “The Nuremberg trials and the development of international criminal justice” as a preventive measure against the spread of extremist activity, especially the ideas of neo-Nazism. The authors believe that this discipline has a very important ideological and political significance, as it can help form critical and analytical thinking in young people.


crime, neo-Nazism, international, criminal law, criminological characteristics of war crimes,
forensic tactics, judicial investigation, counteraction


Yuliana A. Evstratova,
St. Petersburg Military Order of Zhukov Institute of the National Guard Troops of the Russian Federation,
St. Petersburg, Russian Federation.

Darya V. Samusevitch
2St. Petersburg University of the State Fire Service of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia named after the Hero of Russia General of the Army E. N. Zinichev,
St. Petersburg, Russian Federation

For citation:

Evstratova Y. A., Samusevitch D. V. (2022) Criminological characteristics of the personality of
modern neonazists. Issues of countering neonazism as one of the main threats of the XXI century. Sotsialnaya kompetentnost = Social Competence. Vol. 7. No. 4. P. 254–260. (In Russ.).


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