Том 7 (2022), № 2-3, с. 191–200
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The digital transformation of all spheres of activity has led to the urgency of intensive development of instrumental and pedagogical tools on a digital platform, especially for the formation of personnel readiness for activities in difficult working conditions or emergency situations. It is necessary to actively use various kinds of training complexes in the educational process, which will ensure the individualization of the educational trajectory. The research was based on axiological, activity-based and competence-based methodological approaches. The paper considers the concept of the effectiveness of the process of forming professional readiness to work in extreme situations in the context of three consumers of educational services in the field of advanced training – the employer, the employee and society. The most significant learning outcomes are formulated. The characteristics that allow us to judge the effectiveness of the formation of professional readiness on the developed training complexes are determined. The structure of the adaptive training complex and the methods of formation of professional readiness of a specialist are described. The indicators of monitoring the training process used to organize an effective and adaptable to the individual characteristics of the training process of mine personnel in various working conditions are considered. Various aspects of using a simulator complex based on virtual reality helmets and controllers and a standard training program on a computer are analyzed. The necessity of developing additional tools for monitoring the formation of professional readiness in virtual reality is substantiated.
professional development, learning outcomes, efficiency of the educational process, virtual reality, training complexes
Andrei I. Popov, Artem D. Obuhov
Tambov State Technical University, Tambov, Russian Federation
For citation:
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