The essence and mechanisms of interaction between the subjects of mentoring in the context of the educational process of the college

Том 7 (2022), № 2-3, с. 181–190


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The article highlights the problem of interaction of mentoring subjects in the conditions of the college educational process. The peculiarities of mentors’ communication in the forms of «student-teacher», «student-student» in extracurricular work and in preparation for the WorldSkills professional skill championships are revealed. The importance of dialogue is emphasized, which is considered as a mechanism of interpersonal contact between the mentor and the mentee. Attention is focused on the development of the mentee›s ability to independently perform educational, industrial, and other types of activities without assistance, which forms the basis of self-education and self-development. The algorithm of pedagogical support, acting as a means of mentoring in the form of «student-teacher», is proposed: the definition of the mentee›s problem, the choice of support tactics, the planning of mentoring activities. In the dyad «teacher-teacher» mentoring is considered as a condition for the development of transprofessional qualities of the mentor and the mentee.


mentoring, mentor, form of mentoring, dialog, autonomy, pedagogical support


Irina S. Gomboyeva
ГПОУ Priargunsk State College, Priargunsk, Russian Federation

For citation:

Gomboyeva I. S. (2022) The essence and mechanisms of interaction between the subjects of mentoring in the context of the educational process of the college. Sotsial’naya kompetentnost’ = Social Competence. Vol. 7. No. 2-3. P. 181-190. (In Russ.)


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