Сriminological characteristics of the personality of a minor criminal who commits crimes against public safety and public order

Том 7 (2022), № 2-3, с. 142–150


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The article considers the criminological characteristics of the personality of a juvenile offender completing a crime in the field of public security and public order. Particular attention is paid to the causes and conditions that contribute to the formation of the intent to commit a criminal act, the main groups of criminal motives inherent in juvenile offenders are considered. Measures for the prevention, suppression and prevention of the considered type of crime, both in relation to individuals and those of a general nature, were also investigated. As a conclusion, the position that systematic preventive work in the educational system of the city is fully coping with the function of preventing and preventing crime among young people is justified. The effectiveness of such events as family counseling, educational work aimed at explaining the importance of compliance with laws and the formation of a culture of behavior, public events, creative activities, sports events and competitions, as well as all kinds of trainings is also noted.


Criminology, criminality, determinants, national security, criminal code


Yuliana A. Evstratova
St. Petersburg Military Order of Zhukov Institute of the National Guard Troops of the Russian Federation, St. Petersburg, Russian Federation

Darya V. Samusevitch
St. Petersburg University of the State Fire Service of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia named after the Hero of Russia General of the Army E. N. Zinichev,
St. Petersburg, Russian Federation

For citation:

Evstratova Y. A., Samusevitch D. V. (2022) Сriminological characteristics of the personality of a minor criminal who commits crimes against public safety and public order. Sotsialnaya kompetentnost = Social Competence. Vol. 7. No. 2-3. P. 142-150. (In Russ.)


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