Research of satisfaction of elderly people with the quality of social services in OGAUSO «Integrated Center for Social Services of the Population

Том 7 (2022), № 2-3, с. 228–237


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The article is an analysis of the assessment of the quality of social services for the elderly as recipients of social services of the OGAU SB «Integrated Center for Social Services of the Population» (Irkutsk). The paper reveals the content of traditional and innovative technologies of social services for the elderly. With the growing number of elderly citizens, the importance and development of hospital-substituting technologies that take into account the main characteristics and social problems of the elderly is increasing. As part of the research topic, a survey was conducted of recipients of social services in the department No. 8 of this social service to determine the degree of satisfaction with the quality of social services in order to improve the tech-nologies of social services for the elderly at home as one of the inpatient replacement technologies. In addition to the survey method, a SWOT analysis was used aimed at understanding the quality of the organization of social services in general, implemented in this institution and those factors that affect its decline. During the analysis, such results were obtained as 1) a high level of satisfaction of elderly people with the majority of social services provided (the waiting period for services, professional competence of staff, confidentiality of services, the possibility of filing complaints, comments, suggestions, openness and accessibility of information about the organization, the comfort of receiving), 2) a low level of satisfaction of elderly people with the quality of ac-tivities of a group nature (recreational, leisure, preventive, etc.). It is also concluded that it is necessary to get acquainted with the positive foreign experience of organizing social services for senior citizens in order to use their various forms, methods, technologies in the development of the quality of social services in our country.


social services at home, elderly people, inpatient replacement technologies, SWOT analysis, assessment of the quality of social services, satisfaction, quality of life


Thi H. Nguyen, Tatiana G. Bakhmatova
Baikal State University, Irkutsk, Russian Federation

For citation:

Nguyen T. H., Bakhmatova T. G. (2022) Research of satisfaction of elderly people with the quality of social services in OGAUSO «Integrated Center for Social Services of the population». Sotsialnaya kompetentnost = Social Competence. Vol. 7. No. 2-3. P. 228-237. (In Russ.)


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