School textbooks on social studies (gender aspect)

Volume 7 (2022), No. 1, pp. 68–75


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The article reveals the main results of the gender analysis of the institute of school education; the role and possibilities of the school subject «General Education» in the formation of gender perceptions of students are presented; the problem of gender analysis of school textbooks on social studies is posed.


gender, gender approach in education, hidden curriculum, social studies, school textbook


Natalia A. Skomorokhova, Far Eastern Federal University, School of Pedagogy, Vladivostok, Russia;

Natalya L. Korshunova, candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, Associate Professor Far Eastern Federal University, School of Pedagogy, Vladivostok, Russia.

For citation:

Skomorokhova N.A., Korshunova N.L. School textbooks on social studies (gender aspect) // Social competence. 2022. Vol. 7. No. 1. pp. 68-75.


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