Volume 7 (2022), No. 1, pp. 95–109
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The study of the phenomenon of active longevity and its factors is becoming particularly relevant in light of the need to improve the effectiveness of the policy of actions in the interests of older citizens. The advantage of the author’s approach to assessing the factors of active longevity is the possibility of differentiating the influence of internal and external factors of active longevity, typologizing the population according to their ratio. The chosen method of sociological survey allows for the assessment of active longevity and its factors at the individual level. The purpose of the article was to study the external factors of active longevity, in particular, the role of accessibility of infrastructure, public approval and standard of living for maintaining a long and active life by the population. The information base is the data from sociological survey of the adult population of the Vologda Oblast «Active longevity and its factors» conducted by the Vologda Research Center of the Russian Academy of Sciences in 2021. It is established that the most accessible for active longevity, according to the population, are services in the field of information and communication, public transport, trade and household services. In general, the residents of the region are characterized by a favorable attitude towards the representatives of the older generation. The level of income of the population is sufficient to maintain the appearance, ensure a healthy diet, hobbies and visits to cultural institutions, physical education and sports, but it is not enough for education, the use of paid medical services, travel and tourism. Sub-indices of external factors of active longevity demonstrate that a positive attitude towards the elderly and active longevity in general prevails in the regional community, as well as that the infrastructure necessary to maintain active longevity is available for the majority of the population. At the same time, among the residents of the region, there are almost equally represented both those who have enough personal income to live a full life and maintain active longevity, and those whose incomes do not allow them to lead an active life.
active longevity, ex ternal factors, accessibility of infrastructure, public approval, standard of living, the Vologda Oblast population
Aleksandra V. Korolenko, research assistant of department for the studies of lifestyles and living standards, Vologda Research Center of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Vologda, Russia.
For citation:
Korolenko A.V. External factors of active longevity in the estimates of the Vologda Oblast population // Social competence. 2022. Vol. 7. No. 1. pp. 95-109.
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