Values of Chinese youth: theoretical analysis

Vol. 6, No. 4, 2021, pp. 458–466


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The formation of youth values is a complex process that occurs under the influence of many factors, such as: values (ideological, political, moral, aesthetic, etc.), national culture, traditions, customs. The mass media also make a significant contribution to the formation of youth culture. First of all, this applies to modern Internet resources and social networks. As China became a global force in the world, dynamic changes took place within the republic itself, where Chinese youth affirm new values in society. Despite the fact that the values of the younger generations of China have been well studied for many years, most of the research is outdated and needs to be updated, as well as a new theoretical analysis, taking into account modern scientific trends. This article is a theoretical study of the values of modern Chinese youth in the process of ongoing social changes in China. The paper emphasizes that the values that were highly valued in the older generation cannot be the core values of the younger generation. At the same time, young people can serve as a link between cultures and play a key role in promoting intercultural understanding, and the emerging set of values of Chinese youth can become as flexible and suitable as possible for the global world, which makes the study of changes in the value set of Chinese youth very interesting for sociologists.


youth, chinese youth, values, values of youth


Struk Elena Nikolaevna, Doctor of Philosophy, Head of Department of Sociology and Psychology, Irkutsk National Research Technical University, Irkutsk, Russia

Wang Hao, PhD student of Department of Sociology and Psychology, Irkutsk National Research Technical University, Irkutsk, Russia

For citation:

Struk E.N., Wang Hao Values of Chinese youth: theoretical analysis // Social Competence. 2021. Vol. 6. No. 4. pp. 458 — 466


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