Volume 6 (2021), No. 4

Volume 6, No. 4
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[ 378–389 ]

The concept and essence of embezzlement in the Russian criminal legislation
Titarenko A.P., Ovchinnikov V.A.

Article (file: pdf, size: 304 KB, downloads: 446)

[ 390–395 ]

On the issue of civil protection of honor, dignity and business reputation of citizens in Russia
Tikhy R.S., Cheremushkina E.E.

Article (file: pdf, size: 259 KB, downloads: 247)

[ 396–402 ]

The issues of teaching theology in higher education: Europe, Africa, America
Voskresensky O.V.

Article (file: pdf, size: 268 KB, downloads: 257)

[ 403–416 ]

Methodological foundations of teaching adolescents a healthy lifestyle
Grinin A.V., Galaguzova Yu.N., Andreeva E.E.

Article (file: pdf, size: 361 KB, downloads: 313)

[ 417–424 ]

Comparative analysis of face-to-face and distance learning at the university
Kvashko L.P., Alexandrova L.G.

Article (file: pdf, size: 311 KB, downloads: 414)

[ 425–431 ]

Special classification of comparative educational studies
Naidenova N.N.

Article (file: pdf, size: 262 KB, downloads: 280)

[ 432–438 ]

The role of the teacher in forming a healthy lifestyle culture in students
Rykova A.S., Kostyleva E.A.

Article (file: pdf, size: 265 KB, downloads: 252)

[ 439–447 ]

Development trends of pedagogical education in the conditions of digitalization
Sepik T.G.

Article (file: pdf, size: 278 KB, downloads: 548)

[ 448–457 ]

Tools for the use of direct democracy in local self-government of the Kaliningrad region: sociological aspects
Krivosheev V.V., Kochergin D.Yu.

Article (file: pdf, size: 289 KB, downloads: 261)

[ 458–466 ]

Values of Chinese youth: theoretical analysis
Struk E.N., Wang Hao

Article (file: pdf, size: 282 KB, downloads: 479)