Volume 6, Number 3, 2021, P. 326–340
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The formation of an innovative economy requires intensive development of human capital and the provision of a personnel reserve of enterprises and organizations that are ready for high-quality performance of labor functions and have psychological resistance to activity in a competitive environment. The development of the system of training middle-level specialists involves the introduction of a set of pedagogical innovations aimed at strengthening the creative nature of activities and intensifying practical training. It is necessary to use new forms of monitoring the results of mastering the educational program. A demonstration exam is a promising way to assess the training of graduates, providing them with motivation for self-development and professional growth. The research was based on axiological, humanistic, integrative, competence-based, contextual and personal-activity methodological approaches. The paper considers various aspects of the use of the demonstration exam mechanism in the SPO system, identifies problematic issues that cause the need to make adjustments to the organization of educational activities. It is proposed to provide students with the opportunity to choose the form of conducting a demonstration exam, to use more widely the competitions of students in professional skills, to change the mechanism of conducting a demonstration exam, to organize retraining of both the teaching staff of educational organizations and line experts. The fulfillment of the identified psychological and pedagogical conditions involves the implementation of organizational measures, the main of which will be the logical alignment of regulatory documents regulating the use of the demonstration exam, and the expansion of the network of competence centers. The implementation of the developed measures to improve the use of the demonstration exam mechanism in vocational education will improve its quality, ensure higher satisfaction of both students and employers with the results of mastering the professional field by graduates of the SPO system.
training programs for middle-level specialists, final certification, professional competencies, professional skill competitions, quality of education
Andrei I. Popov, Cand. Sci. (Pedagogical sciences), Associate Professor, Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education, Tambov State Technical University, Tambov, Russia
I would like to express my very great appreciation to Kukushkina Valentina Andreevna, a specialist in teaching methods, honorable person in national education, for her support and valuable comments throughout the article preparation.
For citation:
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