Volume 6 (2021), No. 3

Volume 6, Number 3
(file: pdf, size: 6.5 MB, downloads: 563)

[ 267–277 ]

Eurasian philosophy of law N.N. Alekseeva: teaching about values
Kulikov E.A.

Article (file: pdf, size: 565 KB, downloads: 428)

[ 278–286 ]

Sanctions for corruption-related crimes and problems of their improvement
Tatarnikov V.G.

Article (file: pdf, size: 554 KB, downloads: 383)

[ 287–295 ]

Theoretical and legal aspects of civil liability in the field of business activity
Tikhiy R.S., Cheremushkina E.E.

Article (file: pdf, size: 599 KB, downloads: 555)

[ 296–305 ]

Using the experience of the arbitration-procedural model of record keeping to the provisions of the criminal procedure law
Yulberdina L.R.

Article (file: pdf, size: 556 KB, downloads: 342)

[ 306–318 ]

Pedagogical research: relevance and demand. (St. Petersburg)
Kolesnikov A.S.

Article (file: pdf, size: 665 KB, downloads: 353)

[ 319–325 ]

The role of the ability to manage the time by students in the first year of their studying at the University)
Lysuenko S.A.

Article (file: pdf, size: 553 KB, downloads: 376)

[ 326–340 ]

Improving the mechanism of the demonstration exam in vocational education
Popov A.I.

Article (file: pdf, size: 598 KB, downloads: 672)

[ 341–347 ]

Transformation of management practices of commercial organizations during a pandemic: results of a sociological research
Krivosheev V.V., Beis Yu., Erokhina E.G.

Article (file: pdf, size: 558 KB, downloads: 355)

[ 348–361 ]

Evaluation of the influence of intangible factors on the formation of Human potential of children
Natsun L.N.

Article (file: pdf, size: 827 KB, downloads: 307)

[ 362–372 ]

Social, human and political capital of Olympic volunteers
Sukharkova M.P.

Article (file: pdf, size: 573 KB, downloads: 310)